Accommodation in Ore Mountains | Hotel Seifert - Nové Hamry


Crispy, juicy and deliciously smelling dishes for any occasion in our restaurant.
More about Pilsner Urquell Restaurant


Convention hall

Excellently equipped conference hall for 30 - 100 people in the heart of the Ore Mountains. Parties, concerts, balls, seminars, congresses, weddings, celebrations,... Convention hall


Hotel Seifert

Hospitality and quality accommodation in Nove Hamry. The newly renovated hotel for those seeking an active holiday..

more about hotel Seifert  


Joyful stay in renovated apartments that are available for your convenience and undisturbed holiday.

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Pro milovníky saunování jsem připravili venkovní saunu ve stylu tzv. ruské bani. Pro ty, kteří mají rádi adrenalin jsou k dispozici feraty za hotelem.

více o kontaktech  


Bublající potůček, voňavý les a stanování na zelené louce - to vše a něco navíc najdete na našem tábořišti v Nových Hamrech.

více o tábořišti  

Nove Hamry and surroundings


Ideal place for your holiday... Visit us.

View-tower on Tisovsky hill

route 9 km
From the signpost at the station in Nove Hamry follow the yellow direction "Tichovsky hill". Then follow the green to the signpost "Under the Pernink hill". Then we just descend back to Nove Hamry following the yellow sign.

Nature trail of Rupert Fuchs

route 3,5 km
The blue-marked educational trail begins at the main crossroad in Nove Hamry. A total of 8 boards inform readers of an earlier life in Nove Hamry and surroundings. The trail leads around the Church of St. Jan Nepomucky from 1789.

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Undulating landscape of the Ore Mountains is ideal for short and long cycle trails. The cycle trail passes through Nove Hamry and connects to Nejdek from one side and Pernink and Bozi Dar from the other side.

Skiing and snowboarding

Winter fun in Nove Hamry is appreciated by efficient skiers and small children and beginners as well. In the village there are 5 maintained ski trails with a total lenght of 1,7 km with artificial snow and elevation of 130 m.

more suggestions for activities

Church of St. Jan Nepomucky

The most important monument of Nove Hamry was built in 1789 in late Baroque style and later became a cultural monument. The pride of the monument is the organ from the master Schiffner.

View-tower on Tisovsky hill

Big stone view-tower on the Tisovsky hill, where is a magnificent view over the wide surroundings. High view-tower with a spiral stone stairs was built in 1897 and later bacame a cultural monument.

more sights

Regionální operační program regionu soudržnosti Severozápad
Podporováno z Evropského fondu pro regionální rozvoj
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